November 26, 2016

Byron Loves Plastic Free Oceans

Our Plastic Bag Free Byron Pledge is being rolled out this November to tackle the problems of single-use plastic bags head-on! From the climate change inducing oil and gas that plastic bags are made from, to their 20 minute average consumer life-span, estimated 500 year actual lifespan, and their devastating impacts on the marine environment – we want to see a world free from plastic bags and other single-use plastic items.

What better place to start than in our home town of Byron Bay. Will you add your name to the pledge and show your support for a shire-wide shift away from plastic? 

Positive Change for Marine Life

*If you are also a business owner or manager who’s shop in the Byron Shire doesn’t provide plastic bags can you please add this info in the comment section of the pledge form?  Positive Change for Marine Life is assisting Mullum Cares with compiling a current list of plastic bag free businesses.

If you are a business considering going plastic bag free here’s the deal:

No plastic bags, not even ‘recycled’, ‘reused’, ‘second hand’ or the ‘bio degradable’ or ‘degradable’ ones.  They all have the potential to end up in the ocean, in a turtle’s stomach, blocking and killing.

There are many alternatives and there is a team of local organisations including Mullum Cares preparing right now to support the Byron Shire business community to voluntarily remove the highest risk plastic products to our pristine marine environment – including plastic bags.

If you can’t wait and need help contact Sasha at Mullum Cares:) Otherwise, get ready by training your staff to ask every customer every time if they ‘need’ a bag.  The wording triggers a conscious awareness in the customer that they could BYO or carry stuff in their arms and it frequently reminds them of the bag they have scrunched up inside their main carry bag just for moments like these.


Simple. If you live in, visit or dream of holidaying in the Byron Shire please sign this pledge to declare your commitment to ceasing the threat of plastic bags to marine life from the Byron Shire*.
