Mullum Cares is launching a project to get people like me a free assessment on what can be done to adapt our houses in preparation for a future where we may not be insured.
Our purpose is to maximise the use of resources made for human consumption. Our homes were built by us, for us with a devastating lack of foresight in the face of climate change.
Now we must adapt.

My house flooded badly but we haven’t lost much. I think we have flood cover for the building and guess they will pay to replace the kitchen cupboards and plaster walls we’ve cut out but I’m not planning on simply getting my house back to the pre event state; the next flood will ruin me if I do that and I’m not fixing it to sell it to make it someone else’s problem either. Mullum Cares is launching a project to get people like me a free assessment on what can be done to adapt our houses in preparation for a future where we may not be insured. Our purpose is to maximise the use of resources made for human consumption. Our homes were built by us, for us with a devastating lack of foresight in the face of climate change. Now we must adapt. We are seeking to partner with Zero Emissions Byron, the Byron Shire Council, the NSW Department of Planning & Environment and the Department of Communities & Justice and whoever is brave enough to put their hand up at the Federal level to champion this cause. Mandy Nolan will be in an excellent position to advocate for us once she takes the seat of Richmond. If you would like to donate anything to help this project please email Money donations: Southern Cross Credit Union 722 744, Account name Mullum Cares, Account number 100 124 135 If you require a tax receipt please email BEFORE making the donation. I need to get back to it. Please share widely.