Q & A
In Person for Tradies & Insurance Assessors
Live streamed on Fb
5 – 8pm Thursday 16th June 2022
Mullum Leagues Club
25 Manns Rd, Mullumbimby.
Please Help us Rebuild Our Homes Flood Resilient – We Can’t Do It Without You
Special Event for Tradespeople and Insurance Assessors involved in the Northern Rivers residential rebuild effort.
This event is being live streamed on Facebook from 6 – 7.30 so everyone can hear the discussion – see the link to the live stream below.
Tradies and Insurance Assessors – You are invited to attend this free, invitation-only event where James Davidson from JDA Co. and guests will share their experience rebuilding flood resilient in Queensland over the last decade. They understand the role of insurers and the challenges faced by trades trying to help property owners rebuild more flood resilient. There will be ample time for you to raise your concerns and ask questions. The event is free with dinner and a drink provided. Drinks also available to purchase. Bookings are essential, as the venue capacity is limited. Register here to attend.
With future flooding in the Northern Rivers likely we’re excited to be bringing this important event targeted at tradespeople and Insurer’s assessors to gain important, practical knowledge and skills to support a new era of building and rebuilding Northern Rivers homes flood resilient.
“Without your help, we can’t achieve our goal of supporting property owners
to prepare for future flooding by resisting the nonsensical ‘normal’
of replacing all that was lost, like-for-like.”
Sasha Mainsbridge, Byron Shire Residential Flood Adaptation Project Manager – Mullum Cares Inc.
Within weeks of the major flooding event of Feb 28, Mullum Cares Inc. and Zero Emissions Byron identified that JDA Co. was the expert in this field and their wealth of published information allowed the Byron Shire Residential Flood Adaptation Project to begin offering information to our communities on rebuilding flood resilient.
JDA Co. is the preferred architecture and design practice for governments, councils and private enterprises adapting urban environments to withstand floods, cyclones, bushfires, storm surges and extreme heat. James Davidson, the founder and Principal of JDA Co, and guests will discuss the key principles of rebuilding flood resilient and open the floor to hear your concerns and answer all your questions.
What is Flood Resilience?
Flood resilience is the ability to prepare for, live through and then return to normal household routines with the least amount of disruption and anxiety possible. Flood resilience will not stop flood waters. However, it aims to equip residents to make their properties more resilient, ensuring they recover quickly from flood events.
Why do we need it?
If we work together we can radically reduce the impacts of future flooding. Our residents need your help now as they make decisions and try to muster the energy to push back against insurers instructing builders to replace like-with-like. JDA Co. are generously sharing their expertise, knowledge and skills so that our communities can benefit. They’ve worked through numerous flooding disasters and extreme Queensland weather events and now it’s our turn to upskill.
Please RSVP!
The Northern Rivers Flood Relief Fund is supporting this event so that dinner is provided and drinks are available to purchase at the bar from 5pm.
Please contact Sasha on 0422 641 474 if you have any questions or are a supplier of flood resilient materials who would like to bring some demonstration products to display at the event. We’re really looking forward to seeing you there.
To receive notification when the recorded version of this event is published and receive general updates on Mullum Cares projects please sign up to our e-news here.